The 12 days of Perimenopause

On the 1st day of perimenopause, my body gave to me one missed period

On the 2nd day of perimenopause, my body gave to me 2 saggy boobs

On the 3rd day of perimenopause, my body gave to me 3 sleepless hours

On the 4th day of perimenopause, my body gave to me 4 new chin hairs

On the 5th day of perimenopause, my body gave to me 5 distracting hot flashes

On the 6th day of perimenopause, my body gave to me 6 memory lapses

On the 7th day of perimenopause, my body gave to me 7 leaks of my bladder

On the 8th day of perimenopause, my body gave to me 8 newly lost hairs

On the 9th day of perimenopause, my body gave to me 9 severe mood swings

On the 10th day of perimenopause, my body gave to me 10 new aches and pains

On the 11th day of perimenopause, my body gave to me 11 patches of dry skin

On the 12th day of perimenopause, my body gave to me 12 extra pounds

All together now…

On the 12th day of perimenopause, my body gave to me…..12 extra pounds

11 patches of dry skin

10 new aches and pains

9 severe mood swings

8 new lost hair

7 leaks of my bladder

6 memory lapses 

5….distracting hot flashes….

4 new chin hairs

3 sleepless hours

2 saggy boobs  

And one missed period….

Happy holidays!!