Midlife Must: Add Magnesium to your Life

The more I learn about magnesium, the more I think it is the MIDLIFE WONDER MINERAL and I want to share this information with everyone, especially women in midlife.

Magnesium is involved in so many biochemical functions in the body (over 300): regulating body temperature (think hot flash relief), sleep functions (staying asleep longer), mood swings and blood pressure/sugar (lower blood pressure and protection against type 2 diabetes), bone density (a study of women aged 39 to 72 showed those with the highest magnesium rates had the strongest bones and muscles) AND it is also known as the “relaxation” mineral.

YET most of us don’t even really know about it and are in midlife are either low or deficient in this mineral (magnesium is kept deep in the bones and muscles, so a deficiency may not even show up in a blood test).

Why? – Our levels drop due to hormone fluctuations – Our levels get depleted during times of stress (um, hello 40s and life in general) – Caffeine and alcohol strip our levels (nooooooo!!) – Many vegetables are now grown in mineral depleted soil, leaving us thinking we are getting our greens, when we are not really getting nutrients from them. – It is rarely studied for it’s benefits in perimenopause – It is not sold by a drug company for profit – There are so many “types” of commercially available magnesium, it is confusing and overwhelming.

Y’all, we need to be making sure that we are getting a magnesium-rich diet. You can get it in almonds, dried fruits, black beans, spinach, kale and dark chocolate (>70%), avocados, tofu and flax/pumpkin/chia seeds.

You can also look at adding it as a midlife supplement. There are pills, oils, lotion, flakes and sprays on the market. It is confusing and overwhelming on all the ways and types. Try a good quality magnesium glycinate, which does not have laxative effects and has a natural calming effect (always, however, do your homework). This may assist with hot flashes, insomnia and stress.

I have some friends for whom it reduced hot flashes entirely and others who did not notice a huge difference in that, for example, but did notice they slept for longer periods, one said she just felt better overall. I use NESTED Naturals brand vegan Magnesium Glycinate Chelate 200 mg. daily (but, again, that works for ME, finding out what works for you is key).
There are SEVERAL types of magnesium our there. Daily recommendations for women are between 310-320 mg. day. Before you add a bottle to your amazon cart, make sure you know what type fits your needs.

Of course, every woman is so unique – we all have to do our research and talk to our doctors if we take supplements and are on other meds, just to be safe.
Midlife madness is real and one of our best defense is a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals and trying to reduce stress.

You can also check out two books I highly recommend (I know, I know, who has time to read…):The Magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean MD, ND (and is also available on Audible) and Before the Change by Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

Part of falling apart is finding yourself and there is nothing better than being the architect of your own vitality.
Stay strong, stay centered and stay healthy!!