Our Midlife Menu: 4 Things to do Today

Now is the time to optimize your midlife menu. Certain foods can support your health and even aid in reducing menopausal indicators. With metabolism, hormones and caloric needs changing, here are some ways you can set your self up for success:

-Increase your intake of Omega-3 fatty acids (found in salmon, mackerel or if you are vegetarian, flax and chia seeds). Studies have shown Omega-3s can assist in lowering LDL cholesterol, reduce depressive symptoms (specifically in women), improve cognition and even reduce the frequency hot flashes.

-Eat more phytoestrogen containing foods. These are foods that bind to estrogen receptors and can act as kind of a very weak estrogen in the body. Foods such as soy, chickpeas, barley, grapes, berries, broccoli and flax sees seem to offer protection against certain cancers, reduce some of the midlife ‘fog’ and maybe even offer hot flash relief as well. One factor that has always been interesting is how vasomotor (hot flashes/night sweats) as an indicator of perimenopause is a very Western indicator. Studies of women in Asia show they experience vasomotor symptoms in about 20% of women, while about 80% of Western women experience them. One theory is the high consumption of soy in the Asian diet might be at play. While studies are far and few between and inconclusive, it is interesting to think that maybe there is a connection.

-Eat more protein. This is not a green light for a burger at Krystal. This is making sure you are consuming good quality protein daily. This, along with activity, can keep age related muscle deterioration at bay and can prevent hip fractures. Nuts, eggs, lean beef, chicken, even protein powders can give you the 20-25 grams you need a meal.

-Drink more water. While there is no ‘universal’ guidelines on how much water to consume, there are reasons to try to make sure you are drinking it. From lubricating joints, to keeping bacteria at bay in our midlife mouths by forming saliva and mucus, to keeping us from prematurely wrinkling, water is one of those things that is just good for you. I am guilty of this one and am going to commit to increasing my water intake. Will keep you all posted on that one.

Today, look at what you are doing to support your midlife self. I think we often rock along like we are 35 and forget that the needs of our bodies have changed. We end up with habits that are no longer serving us and at this stage of the game start actively working against us. Then we get in a vicious cycle of bad habits and new symptoms, never connecting the two and trying untangle the knot of our new midlife situation.

What are the most bothersome indicators for you TODAY? How can you support yourself with diet and exercise?? Hot flashes? Try magnesium (make sure it is right for you first), didn’t work? Try increasing Omega-3s – try them together. Keep a diary, note how you feel, what is going on. Read (there are two great books I recommended in the last blog), own your power. Know that no on outside you will know your unique experience so you have to be the one who captains your ship.

Even ONE step in the right direction today can make a difference. It’s not about beating yourself up but about celebrating it all and celebrating you.
Stay Strong, Stay Centered and Stay Healthy.

Image from unsplash.com